April 25, 2010

Impressions of working in Japan: Don't be like this if you are an employee in Japan...

Below is a list of features that Japanese would not like to see in their employees. Some of them are shared universally, some are apparent only in Japan. You can easily spot items that may become a barrier for foreign employees in Japan (e.g. a person like me). Don't be a kind of person who:

1. Can not perform a neat greeting
2. Does not take notes and therefore asks same thing several times
3. Can not use the honorific form of Japanese language
4. Is not eager to do the miscellaneous (small) tasks
5. Is not able to "report, contact, consult"
6. Repeats the same mistake
7. Can not reply promptly
8. Does not apologize for own mistakes
9. Instead of taking initiative waits for an order
10. Acts proud and intelligent but is not
11. Goes home without asking a senior, "Shall I help you?" and therefore has no spirit of cooperation.
12. Talks too much during working hours
13. Gets offended from a someone's warning
14. Can not prioritize and panics

(Conducted from a sample of 1030 female and male public sector workers aged 30 - 59)

Talking on my behalf: The most challenging point is no doubt number 3. Managing conversational Japanese is a challenge enough. Saying something like:ごめんどうですが、もういちどおこしいただけますでしょうか。" instead of a simple "またきてくれますか。" does not come out spontaneously. Both share the same meaning, which is in English: "Please come again".

The rest of the numbers are manageable but maybe not with the same attitude that Japanese have. For example, number 11: when your work time is over, how many times have you asked from a senior, "Is there something I could still help with?". I could force my self to this but in reality I'd probably not be honestly eager to help if it would mean unpaid overtime work and loss of free time. And anyway why it has to be a senior worker? Are they the only ones who deserve or are privileged to be helped?

Number 12. "Talks too much during working hours" is possible but needs quite a push. Can it really be so disruptive to talk at the work place? Of course it's never good to blabber around about every single thing - I'd hate that too. But a friendly and a cheerful conversation that is not only connected to work is nice to have. Yet, in Japan, the step from not talking at all to talking too much is seemingly short. I can't but wonder why we have to play official and serious during work.







2 comments (click to write a comment):

Anonymous said...

:D Huippu juttuja!!

Mä oon samaa mieltä että numero 3 on vaikein..koska en osaa kunnolla muutenkaan kyseistä kieltä.
Mutta just Tammikuun reissulla kysyin Leon isältä tuosta numero 11 aiheesta ja mä olinkin jo päätellyt että asia menisi näin... se on kohteliaisuuteen naamioitu esimiehen kunnioittaminen. Tietysti sillatavalla voi näyttää myös aktiivisuuttaan ja motivoitumistaan :D
Oon ollut niin monesti yhdeksän vuoden aikana kuunteluoppilaana liiketapaamisessa japanilaisten kanssa ja alkuun oli kyllä hyvin monta ihmeellistä asiaa.. tais Leo vaan raahata mut mukaansa, että kaikki voi vilkuilla mun vaaleita hiuksia ;)
plus jos kannoin Leon papereita niin näytin sihteeriltä...HAH.

Lauri said...

Puistahan toi teksti on, mut kiva että jaksoit lukea! :)

Oot epäilemättä oikeessa. Lähes aina esimies lähtee myöhemmin, joten töykeetä se olis vain näyttää selkää.

Hyvä Leo, ehkä paras harhautus on ottaa sut mukaan kokouksiin. Salarii-manit, kireissä puvuissaan ja kraavateissaan hikoilee entisestään.

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