November 3, 2009

The big fish hunt

The Oita River runs only 200 meters away from our apartment. Plenty of fishes jump at the river, making fishing a very tempting hobby.

So few weeks ago, with a big catch in my mind, I purchased fishing gear from the local store, 神力商店 (こうりき), downtown Oita city.

Two weeks passed. Alas, all I caught was some random seaweed, empty seashells and a Fugu - the poisonous blow fish. Some might consider Fugu a lucky catch, since its high price at high-end restaurants. But not wanting to die yet by eating its poison I released it back to river.

Yesterday, in turn, was a glorious day in the history of fishing in Japan! There it is! The first big catch: Japanese Sea Bass, or in Japanese: Suzuki - as the car maker.

Having no scale or gauge leaves its weight and length a mystery. Yet, for the record Suzuki can grow to a length of over 1 meter!

Big thanks to 神力さん and the fisherman who kindly advised in techniques and gave the lure for this one!

3 comments (click to write a comment):

shino said...

wonderful smile Lauri~!!hahahaha

Lauri said...

Shinoさん, ありがとう!

shino said...



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