October 14, 2012

Oosu Festival, Nagoya, Oct. 13 - do not bother to visit

I witnessed, forgive the direct expression, one of the most monotonous festivals so far: the Oosu Festival, held every October.

All I saw was a bunch of women and, judging from the stature, one male dressed as geisha walking tardily back and forth the shopping arcade of Oosu.

I asked around why the celebration but no one knew the reason so I was compelled to search through the Internet afterwards.

So the Oosu festival celebrates the day (October 14, 1978) when post-war Nagoya reached population of 500,000.

Oosu (name of a city section) is a result of post-war urban planning and during 70s was seen as the heart of the city.

Now the city population has grown to 2,27 million and the core has spread to a wider area where Oosu represents the city as it used to be in the 70s. The place is well worth a visit but the festival isn't.

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