April 26, 2010


カーナビの調子が悪く、目的地を設定することができなくなってしまった為、 地図と道路案内板をにらめっこしながらのドライブとなりました…。

案内板に、「九酔渓、九重夢大橋」などと、やまなみハイウエイ付近のおなじみの名前を発見したので、「ここで曲がって!」と指示を出してしまったのですが、 走っても全然馴染みのない道…。


そのまま道なりに行って、なんとガンジーファームや、くじゅう花公園などを通り、 やまなみハイウエイを南から北上して来るという、とんでもない遠回りコースになってしまいました…。


ちゃんと登山者名簿に記入し、案内板を見て、左に行く雨ヶ池コースの方に行ってみました。 九州自然歩道という道らしくて、なんだかハイキングのような、とっても楽に歩けるコースです。
三俣山に登る入り口はどこだろう…と、しっかり周りを見ながら歩いていたのですが、 それらしいものは一向にありません。


「坊ガツル」という、とっても景色がきれいな盆地に出て、 お腹ペコペコで、力もでない状態だったので、山の頂上ではないけれどお昼にしました♪


















April 25, 2010

Impressions of working in Japan: Don't be like this if you are an employee in Japan...

Below is a list of features that Japanese would not like to see in their employees. Some of them are shared universally, some are apparent only in Japan. You can easily spot items that may become a barrier for foreign employees in Japan (e.g. a person like me). Don't be a kind of person who:

1. Can not perform a neat greeting
2. Does not take notes and therefore asks same thing several times
3. Can not use the honorific form of Japanese language
4. Is not eager to do the miscellaneous (small) tasks
5. Is not able to "report, contact, consult"
6. Repeats the same mistake
7. Can not reply promptly
8. Does not apologize for own mistakes
9. Instead of taking initiative waits for an order
10. Acts proud and intelligent but is not
11. Goes home without asking a senior, "Shall I help you?" and therefore has no spirit of cooperation.
12. Talks too much during working hours
13. Gets offended from a someone's warning
14. Can not prioritize and panics

(Conducted from a sample of 1030 female and male public sector workers aged 30 - 59)

Talking on my behalf: The most challenging point is no doubt number 3. Managing conversational Japanese is a challenge enough. Saying something like:ごめんどうですが、もういちどおこしいただけますでしょうか。" instead of a simple "またきてくれますか。" does not come out spontaneously. Both share the same meaning, which is in English: "Please come again".

The rest of the numbers are manageable but maybe not with the same attitude that Japanese have. For example, number 11: when your work time is over, how many times have you asked from a senior, "Is there something I could still help with?". I could force my self to this but in reality I'd probably not be honestly eager to help if it would mean unpaid overtime work and loss of free time. And anyway why it has to be a senior worker? Are they the only ones who deserve or are privileged to be helped?

Number 12. "Talks too much during working hours" is possible but needs quite a push. Can it really be so disruptive to talk at the work place? Of course it's never good to blabber around about every single thing - I'd hate that too. But a friendly and a cheerful conversation that is not only connected to work is nice to have. Yet, in Japan, the step from not talking at all to talking too much is seemingly short. I can't but wonder why we have to play official and serious during work.







April 17, 2010

Gender equality in Japan

Why it took so long time to realize this: Gender equality, the number one human right, has improved in Japan significantly during the past ten or so years. In fact, the situation is so good that at any time Japan could claim a top-three position in the Gender equality list. In 2009 the top-three was by The World Economic Forum as follows:
1. Iceland
2. Finland
3. Norway
Am I talking total nonsense? No, Japan is not even a listed country but that's not the point.

See, the enlightening fact is: in those above top-three countries women are leveling their position against men. In other words, women are the changing variable while men stay in a fixed state.

On the contrary, in Japan, women's status is fixed while men tend to hold a changing variable. In practice that translates: men are undergoing a gradual change and becoming like women. And behold, only by a switch of perspective the gender equality gap has become narrower! Yahoo!

This realization came after reading a post by Quinni. She tells in the aftermath of living in Japan:
"Apparently, in Japan “masculine men” can be an oxymoron. They are skinny, they are shy, they are delicate, they are obsessed with fashion and hairstyles, they pluck their eyebrows, and I could swear, some of them wear make up!"
Cheers Quinni!

April 12, 2010

Impressions of working in Japan: a 30 minute presentation of Finnish education system

Ha, I did it! I pulled off a presentation in front of a dozen employees without being nervous - and most of all in Japanese! Ah, feels utterly good!! A big thanks goes to the attentive audience and Yumiko, the greatest supporter of all!

April 11, 2010

Impressions of working in Japan: Credo (クレド)

Here's a plastic pocket that we carry around during the office hours. It holds in two items: employee's name tag and a credo.

Ok, name tag is a easy to explain, it shows employee's name and other details. But what's a credo? The word is written in Katakana, indicating a foreign origin. Anyone who has studied Latin might be able to identify the meaning since the word comes from Latin. Let's see what the definition according to Collins English Dictionary is:
Credo ('kri:dəʊ, 'kreɪ-) n, pl -dos
    1. the Apostles' Creed or the Nicene Creed
    2. a musical setting of the Creed
    [C12: from Latin, literally: I believe; first word of the
    Apostles' and Nicene Creeds]
credo ('kri:dəʊ, 'kreɪ-) n, pl -dos
     any formal or authorized statement of beliefs, principles,
     or opinions
credo ['kri:dəʊ, 'kreɪdəʊ] s uskontunnustus (Finnish)

So it's a set of beliefs but what is it used for? 35 phrases are written in the neatly folded sheet of paper. Almost every morning during a morning assembly the plastic pocket is opened and one phrase read out loud. That is followed by a discussion accordingly.

Phrases in the credo mean good but when people read them in a low and slow voice it sounds awfully religious, just like in a church when doing a confession. I'd suggest to add a pinch of cheeriness to the voices to make the atmosphere better. On the other hand, on those early morning assemblies everybody's damn tired, which might be just the cause for aphonic and low voices.

Question: Is credo merely a feature of Japanese companies or are they used widely?

ラジオ体操 - Radio gymnastics

Every morning at 6:30 many Japanese people in different parts of Japan start their day with radio gymnastics. NHK, the national broadcasting company of Japan, has played a 10 minute tune all around Japan now for 82 years. It seems that everyone knows the piano-tune and the moves. I guess it is fair to say radio gymnastics is deeply rooted to Japanese culture, promoting healthy lifestyle and sense of unity.

Excising early is indeed a good way to get a day going. People who feel they need several hours to wake up properly radio gymnastics may be the quick solution.

The early morning event seems to be a routine for many seniors. For example this morning in Oita-city there were 56 people (counted every day), out of which there was only one child. During the summer holiday more youth is said to come.

Tested and working in Japan. I think this idea could be suggested to YLE, the national broadcasting company of Finland. Then, assign volunteers to lead the exercises in different cities and towns. If not only for health's sake, the morning exercise could help to create stronger community spirit - a thing that Finland seems to lack.

April 6, 2010

A solution for aging population

Aging population is an issue for Japan everyone knows it. People live longer meanwhile the number of infants decline. In one way or another this topic comes up every day. An article from BBC: Japan mayor sets paternity leave 'example' points out well one of the causes of decreasing population.

At work we are encouraged and preached upon to bring solutions for it. Indeed, many seem to put a lot of effort in finding a resolution but a little progress can be seen and overall the problem hasn't gone anywhere.

While making my way in the train I met one the professors who used to teach us at the faculty of economics. When I inquired about a resolution for aging population issue he replied with a expression of worry in his face,
"I don't think there's a solution but surely a rapid decline would cause heaps of problems."
For the future, he said, "I prefer a slow decline. It could be somehow managed".

So why aren't people making babies any more? They used to make them easily in the past. Perhaps raising a family has become too difficult. The circumstances have changed by time to unfavorable for having a family. It's just too demanding and expensive. Yes, bringing up even one child requires lofty savings (or at least many believe so). But is it really only about having sufficient savings?

I believe that actually the time spent gathering savings slowly lowers the changes to have a family. A great number of Japanese work from early morning to late evening in order to get paid and to build up savings. At the end of the day most of the precious time has been given to the company and none to having a family. What can we conclude from this?

Although the companies play a role in providing livelihood they seem to hinder family planning. The company becomes priority number one, consumes all the time and eventually pushes family aside. Let’s take for example our company. Ironically here we sit next to our desktops picking our brains for ideas on how to deal with aging population, many until as late as 11 pm. Instead of trying to think a solution how about being the solution. Stand up, get out and make some babies!

On the first thought it may seem a difficult mission as the question of money and time arises. But in long term, if Japanese desire to save their own future (e.g. having young people to pay pension when retired), and avoid steeper decline in population, the companies are obligated to give their workers time to create some life.

Think of having a family as investment to the future. At first, the times will be though but making a family will become easier and pay off in the long run. So re-prioritize; take time out from work, stop thinking about whether right now is a perfect time or not! Behold, here's the solution: reproduce!

Not feeling encouraged yet?

Well, the solution may not be that straightforward. To be very frank, I'm not too eager to see a solution for the aging population issue. In the eyes of Finn, Japan has been overcrowded for a long time, too many people trying to make a living in an island that is too small for them. As a positive aspect, decreasing population could gradually revitalize Japan. Not maybe economically but in terms of human wellbeing.

Agreeing or disagreeing?

April 4, 2010



















April 3, 2010

How can we open our eyes for opportunities?

It's easy to forget to think how many opportunities surround us. Being unaware of the chances is similar to making our way in a tunnel that has no turns, a tunnel where the only way is straight ahead. It is safe to walk in it because all the time we see what lies ahead but at the same time it is mind-numbing because everything is predictable.

When we start thinking of the opportunities around us it is as if the tunnel starts to change from a single straight tube into a network of tubes. The tunnel that was only a long straight line before is now full of turns, one next to another, left and right. Every step brings us to a new crossing that we'we not seen before. In other words, opportunities appear everywhere. We can still disregard the departing tunnels and just continue straight but that would be same as shutting our yes to new opportunities. So lets turn and let the world surprise us! After all, most people regret the things that they left undone not the things that they embarked on.

I admit, sometimes seeing an opportunity is difficult no matter how golden it may be. If our mind is busy focusing on the things that are not possible, or on the routines that fill our life, there's no time to think what actually is possible. Many people I've met say, I'm in this cycle, it's too late to go back so I'll just go on. Fair enough - if you say so it is true for you. But mark my words, no matter what, there's always a way!

April 2, 2010

















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